Administrative experience

Administrative experience in private, public and non-profit institutions allowed the development of skills such as conflict resolution, negotiation and management. Also, equally important, was the opportunity to work with people of different backgrounds and – very often – conflictive points of view.

Agropec Pesquisa, Extensão e Consultoria Ltda.

Director of Agropec Pesquisa, Extensão e Consultoria Ltda. since 2002, a private company dedicated to Research, Training and Consulting on Plant Protection whose activities are closely tied to the Ministry of Agriculture. From 2002 to 2008, the company was located in Vacaria, a major apple growing region in Brazil. During six years worked on the evaluation of efficacy of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides and miticides) against organisms of economic importance in temperate agroecosystems. Worked for the most important pesticide industries in country and conducted more than 50 lab and field experiments. Some studies have already resulted in the registration of new products in the Ministry of Agriculture. Equally important was the accreditation by the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct Pest Risk Analysis. Since 2004, conducted more than 20 PRAs for products from different origins and that resulted in the publication of phytosanitary requirements by the Ministry of Agriculture. Finally, an important tough eventual cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture is the organization of national and regional workshops on pesticide regulation, during which harmonization of procedures is discussed. In 2008, with the invitation by Professor Evaldo F. Vilela to provide him support on the consecution of the project ‘Inovação Tecnológica para Defesa Agropecuária’, the company was transferred to Belo Horizonte and the portfolio was reduced so as to cease pesticide evaluation tests. Other services remain active such as Pest Risk Analysis and organization of workshops on pesticide regulation and harmonization.


Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (2005-2008)

Professor from 2005 to 2006 and Director of the universitary campus in Vacaria from 2007 on.  As director, I had the opportunity to closely interact with the University Rector and its administrative team, as well as with local authorities. Participated in several committees dedicated to regional development. 


Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil (2002-2008)

Elected secretary in 2002 with the attribution of supporting Dr. Adalecio Kovaleski (at that time elected Vice President of the institution) in the organization of the XX Brazilian Congress of Entomology, held in Gramado, in 2004. That was a major accomplishment as people from all over Brazil and from more than 20 countries attended. In 2004, was elected Editor in Chief of Neotropical Entomology, the main publication of the institution and the most important scientific journal in the field of Entomology in Latin America. Re-elected for the same position in 2006 and remained in charge until August 2008.